Successful Industries Served

Since its creation in 1996, the Economic Development Committee has experienced success. Companies assisted by the Economic Development Committee follow:

Hudson Industries
September 1997
$1.5 million investment
57 jobs
Located in the Crewe Industrial Park. Relocated from Richmond.

Piedmont Geriatric Hospital
1997 to Present
$13 million Payroll Saved
400 jobs
Lobbying effort successful to keep hospital open.

Department of Military Affairs
December 1998
309 jobs
Successful lobbying effort relocated DMA to Fort Pickett site (saving the state over $1M/ yr).

Trout River Lumber
March 1999 - Present
$1.5 million initial investment & $.225 million expansion investment
25 jobs
New start-up industry, located in the Crewe Industrial Park. Expanded twice.

Colonial Forest Products
December 1999 - Present
$1.75 million investment
50 jobs
New expansion for a Pennsylvania company. Located in Crewe Industrial Park.

Structural Concepts and Components
December 1999 - Present
15 jobs
New start-up begun by local entrepreneurs. Incubated at Pickett Park and now owns facility in Blackstone.

ArborTech Forest Products
February 2000 - Present
$26+ million investment
75 jobs
One of the largest, most technologically advanced plants in the Southeast United States. Located in Pickett Park.

Midwest Farms
November 2003
$1.25 million investment
30 jobs
Successful hatchery reuse of an existing facility.